
Good Parenting is really an art and many of the parents lack or do not bother about this these days. Some of the parents are in a misconception that controlling your kid is what is called parenting. In reality, parenting is all about keeping your kid so close to you by mind that you understand exactly what your kid feels and thinks. It is all about being close to your kid and letting him know how he should live in the society you are in. It is possible for you to really understand your kid and make him or her understand you if you have good skills of parenting. Here are some creative ways through which you can enhance your parenting skills.

Being Good Listeners

It is always necessary to understand the child and for this you need to listen to your kid. Many parents do not show the patience or time for listening to the kids and they try to foster some do’s and don'ts without allowing the kid to express doubts, anxieties, fears and such things that he has in mind. When your child communicates with you, try to give your whole attention to the kid. It is the best way for you to actually listen to your kid through his words, actions and also expressions. It is so necessary that you do spare adequate time and attention towards your kid. It is always good for you to listen to the kid in all the ways possible so that you feel much better and also will make your kid feel that you are always there for him or her and they can come and talk to you. It is good to even talk and thus understand what exactly your kid needs. This is the best way through which you can easily understand what the kid actually wants to convey with you.

Showing Unconditional Love

It is always necessary for you to show your love to the kid. There is no point of expressing the love that you have within you for the child if you do not also show your love to him. They may not understand the depth of it if you are actually not doing that by your own. It is good for you to embrace your kid daily and also make your kid feel great. Kiss your kid, appreciate him or her and make them feel the warmth of your love. Both of the parents should show their love and it is not about the materialistic things; it is your presence and your touch and words that should be felt by them. If you could make your kid feel and experience the love you have for them, then it is the best way through which you can be so close with your kid. The shower of love that is unconditional can make them realize the beauty of life. Most of the kids usually get a chance to live their lives well through this love and care that they get from their parents. This gives them strength to move on and do things without fear.


Try to Do Shopping with Your Kid

If your kid has grown to the age to understand what money is and calculate the same then it is good for you to actually make your kid involved in shopping along with you. Your kid can thus learn how you get things and how much you actually need to spend. This way to make your kid involved in shopping can make them feel a sense of responsibility and makes them feel that they are growing up. Most of the kids feel very good when they actually shop so that they can find the kind of the place they want to stay. They can choose the things and they even will not think about demanding things if you help them to manage shopping within the budget you have set. It is the best way to teach your kid to deal with money and gradually becoming responsible. Most of the kids may find it the best way to help their parents.

Arrange a Party with Your Child’s Friends

Arranging a party with your child’s friends is a good thing that the parents can do on their birthday or any other special occasions. If you arrange a party at home inviting all the friends of your kids, it is the best way for you to know your child’s friends very closely and understand the nature of the kids your kid is associated with. Every parent should know the friends of your kid and the amount of influence that each of these friends may have on the kid. If you think that some bad influence is there then your parenting skills should be able to uproot the same. It is good to know the friends as they do form a major role so that there are chances for you to understand them the best way possible. It is possible for you to actually have a say in the way they act. There are chances for you to actually understand the kind of things related with that. There are chances for you to actually have a great party.

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Picnics With Your Kids

It is good to always figure out some free time so that you can spend some time with your kids on a picnic or something. This can be a really great way for interacting with your kids. Let them help, if they are old enough, in getting the food and supplies prepared. They can be useful for that. Let them help decide where to picnic. They can really appreciate you taking the time to spend with them. It is the best way for you to spend quality time with the kid.


It is good for you to actually have patience so that you can deal with your kid. You should be patient to listen to the kid and also deal with your kid. You can try doing positive things and telling kids the things to do. It is always good to give your kid the time he or she needs to cope with the things rather than comparing with the pace of some others.




Paul Beard
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Paul Beard

Executive Director at LIGHTHOUSE 2911
Paul A. Beard has designed programs and written several information guides and books about parents and families.
Paul Beard
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6 Creative Ways for Improving Parenting Skills
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