We all love some words like, “I love you”, “You’re so sweet”, “You’ve lost weight, haven’t you?”, “You’re the bomb”, “You rock”, “You’re off the chain”, “You’re so nice”, “You’re special”.  I could go on and on with special words of love and affection, but that’s not all the words we hear.  There are other words that have a negative power to them – words like “I hate you”, “You’re so stupid”, You’re dumber than dirt”, “You’re so ugly”, “You look dumb”, “Why are you wearing that?”, “Your mother and I are through with you”, “You never listen”.  I could go on and on again, but I think you get the message. 

Words do have power whether it’s a positive power Dapoxetine ought to tadalafil 20mg http://mouthsofthesouth.com/locations/estate-auction-of-robert-melba-mcgee-deceased/ be kept away for high temperature, light and dampness. We here are here to provide you the discount cheapest viagra prices . “From levitra?” is always a question because men want to buy it secretly and even without their partner knowing about it. Now that you have gone through all the methods, it must be quite evident that there is some problem, known as erectile dysfunction. viagra online canada A person has on line levitra http://mouthsofthesouth.com/auction-listings/ r put some efforts when it comes over his health or his relationship. or a negative power.  Even “dawg” or “fool” have power.  Many say it doesn’t bother them, but I can tell you from experience that the negative statements always seem to overshadow the positive statements we hear.  What’s so wrong with encouraging each other with words like “You look great today”, “You have great taste in clothes”, “You have a sweet smile”, “You always do the right thing”, “You’re such a great student”,  “What a great father you are”.  You get the message, don’t you?  You could go on and on and on. 

When will you start using more positive power words?  What will it take?  Could you start today?  Who might you begin to lift up with a more positive message?  We would love to hear about it.  Just leave a comment below.   

Words Have Power
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